1. Members
Full time 19
Part time 1
Casual 0
New members (July 2021 – August 2021) 0
Member resignations (July 2021 – August 2021) 0


  • There have been no new members at the Centre. Appointments with the parents of potential members are ongoing. We currently have 4 available spaces at the Centre. We have had many parents come in for meetings to place their child at the Centre, however, the lack of transport has been a major deterring factor for new attendees. We are currently working on getting a larger vehicle.
  • We continue to have positive therapy outcomes with our members. We have received positive feedback regarding the Speech Therapy progress of the yellow group members. Additionally, these members have been also making progress in Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. There has been good multi-disciplinary collaboration with our therapists thus far.
  • Due to the current Covid-19 situation, the wheelchair seating with Shonaquip has moved to an online platform, where the specialist will provide guidance through the seating process and specifications. All further seating will be conducted in a similar manner.
  1. Care Workers: Timetables and Training 
  • The programs followed by the Care Workers have also assisted with the performance of members. The Care Workers adjust their program on advisement from therapists and the Centre Manager. The implementation of the programs has been successful thus far, therefore no changes have been made.
  • The Care Workers will be facilitating members in a new sustainable gardening program. This is a great initiative and step towards empowering our members. We are in the process of making adaptations to ensure this is accessible to wheelchair users.
  • There has been no additional training or webinars attended. The Care Workers will engage in further training and webinars as opportunities arise.
  1. Therapists/Volunteers 
  • Therapy services and volunteer services have resumed. However, due to the current Covid-19 3rd wave, not all our volunteers have returned. Once the 3rd wave recedes, we will bring in more volunteers.
  1. Outings/ Special Events/ Upcoming Events 
  • We are currently selling Casual Day tickets. A percentage of the proceeds will be provided to the Association. Additionally, being included in the Casual Day events, we can promote our Association and work towards advocating for people with disabilities.
  • A Casual Day event was planned for the 3rd September 2021. However due to the current severity of Covid-19 cases, this event has been postponed until further notice.
  1. General 
  • The research project in which BlindSA is undertaking with international associates have begun. They have provided us with a link to fill in a survey for members who consent to participate in it. This study will assist in understanding the impact of Covid-19 on people with disabilities. The Association is proud to be part of this project as it will impact academia internationally and allow society to further understand the impact of Covid-19 on the lives of people with disabilities.
  • We have made progress with the partial care registration of the Centre. The first step in this process is to do an environmental health assessment, which will be conducted by the local municipal office. If the property passes the assessment, then we will be able to go ahead with the next step with the Department of Social Development.



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